Archive | July 2020

Have you ever?

Today’s music challenge over on my FB timeline is: a song that reminds you of a favorite place. And I, being the sap that I am, picked “Our House” by Crosby, Stills and Nash. Because, truly, my favorite place is home with my family. Wherever that might be, it would always be my favorite.

Now that home is in Arlington, TX – OK, well, Pantego, TX, which is even better – and I like where I live. I have liked EVERYWHERE that I have lived, no matter where it was. Because it has never been the WHERE with me. It has always been the WITH WHOM for me.

And it’s always been about roots. Having a home, a family, a parish, a group of friends. THAT is what defines home for me. I suspect that had I been born in Iowa, I would love Iowa. Or North Dakota. Or Timbuktu. My heart would have been where my folks are.

That said, though, I think there ARE places that tug on your heart – for reasons that are almost indefinable. You get to a place and think, “Yes. This is nice. This could be good. I’d like this.” For some people that is their hometown. Where they grew up and have long family histories. That wasn’t my case. I loved my hometown, but when I left (twice) I wasn’t sad to leave the place – though I was sad to leave some of the people.

When Craig and I finished school in Lubbock (another place we loved, but didn’t want to be a long-term place to live) we headed to the DFW area, because I had a great job. We hit Fort Worth/Arlington and its ‘burbs and thought, “Yeah. This is good. Museums, theaters, schools, not too far from family……we LIKE this place.” And we have for more than 30 years now.

Every place we have ever traveled, I have thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun to live here for a couple of years so you could really see and enjoy EVERYTHING?” But there was always the expectation that even if we did that, we would go HOME – back to the DFW area. Back home.

But still…..Sometimes you DO run into a place that calls your name and you think, “Hey, this feels like home, too. I could do this.” A couple of years ago, Craig and I went to Port Aransas for vacation. A week to walk the beach. To decompress. To get away. And when we got there, for the first time in decades, I thought, “Hmmmm. What if…….”

It surprised me.

Now, was it really true that the place was calling me? Or was it that the vacation came at a time when I desperately needed the time away? That could have been part of the feeling. It could have been that I felt a need to run away – at least for awhile.

But when the idea of a vacation came up this year, Craig and I looked at each other and said, “Port Aransas.” So, we’re going back. And when we get there it will be interesting to see if that same feeling persists. Of course, I think it will be doubly hard to judge whether I’m really feeling something or just running away – given the general stinkiness of 2020 so far!

We won’t do anything about it. I won’t trade being close to my grandkids, my friends, my job, for a PLACE, no matter how much the place calls my name. Because being met at the door as often as I want by four little ones yelling, “Mimi!” outweighs every single walk on the beach, breath of sea air, pelican sighting, or bit of sea glass collected. It just does.

But the place still calls.

Have you ever had a place like that?