Whatcha Reading? Wednesday – Actually ON Wednesday!

Well, how ’bout that. A post on the real day it’s supposed to be on.

Let’s see.

Books finished this week: Banker by Dick Francis. This one was good, but slow. The first half of the book meandered around, telling me lots about banking and horse stud farms. Interesting – but the pivotal murder doesn’t even HAPPEN until past the middle. I think sometimes I forget how to read books that aren’t “something happening every single moment without a break” and  I have slow down my head enough to just enjoy the book. Anyway, I had a suspicion who the murderer was, but not how he did it. Satisfying read.

Books currently reading: Yes, The Pickwick Papers continue on – but at a glacially slow pace. And not because I don’t like the book. Other things keep jumping in front. Like, for instance, the book I am reading now, Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance. Reading it because it was recommended repeatedly by Robert George, so I put in a request for it at the library. I was 27th on the list! But I came to the top of the list yesterday. The reading can’t be put off – there are no renewals for a book with this many hold requests, so it migrated, of necessity, to the top of the reading pile. The first few chapters (all I’ve had time to read so far) are engaging. And quite thought provoking when coupled with Theodore Dalrymple’s Life at the Bottom, which I read earlier this year.

In the on deck circle: The final book of the Narnia series. The Girls of Atomic City by Denise Kiernan, which is next month’s book club selection. And one lent to me by a friend, In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan. It is a book that I am not sure that I will like personally, but it is a book that will give me insight into a dear friend, and that will make it worth the read, whether the book is for *me* or not. I think we learn a lot from the books that other people love.

So, what are YOU reading?


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